Name: jumani pooja k.
Roll no: 08
Sem.: 3
Part: 2
Topic: history of translation
Paper no: 05 translation studies
Year: 2012-13
Submitted to
Dr. Dilip Barad,
Dept. of English,
Maharaja Krishnkumarsinhji Bhavnagar University,
History of translation
In translation studies history is very reach and
translation is an essential part of the literary and cultural history of
country. To trace its beginning or to periodize its development in any absolute
sense would be a task. However exponents in the fielded like stained do make an
arbitrary periodization of the history of translation. This periodization
consists of four phases. The first extending from the time of ciaro and Horso
to the time of Alexander Fraser Tytler from 46 BC to 1792.
Literature is more influence of translation study. And
literature French American and other literature it translation in other
language. Some writers to convince in other language
In first language and literature not could translated
but after some time it became necessary because literature became successful
and the other countries wonted to read but they didn’t understand other
language and after that idea were came and start to translation in language and
it also became part of studies and it have to learn in translation
Translation according to Eric Jacobson is a Roman inversion.
The roman unlike the Greeks, were unable to creadimaginative literature in
their own capacity. The Romans were more practical minded and lacked
imagination and originality.thefore to enrich their language the Roman sought
to translation Greek classical for this purpose they formulated contain primitive
and realistic views on translation. Their proactive of translation. it their intention
was a Erich their language their stresses mainly on the aesthetic aspect of the
TLT and less on the fidelity so SLT o fried rich clearly explain this point of
view so translation in the European context in his essay on the art of
translation as follows.
In Europe literary
translation has been know since the age of Romans, translation shows how the
literature and philosophy of the Roman and genial strength from Greek models.
English translation:
In British and American language and literature more
famous and it very quay translation in another language. When literature
translated other language at same times peoples got knowledge to knowing
another culture and language also.
Even Longinus while speaking on sublimity in
literature stated that “imitation and emulation of the great historians and
poets of the past is on of the paths toward the sublime and translation is one
aspect of imitation in the Roman concept of literary production”. Like Horace
and Longinus too believed in a judicious interpretation of the SLT. The entire
tree Roman lay stresses on a sense for translation. According to them the
translation’s responsibility is to the TL reader. By their preempt a good
translation should pre-suppose a bilingual reader conversant with both SL and
TL and could read the translation through the sours language text and assess
the creative ability of the translator in making the SLT as his model.
Translation means a stylistic exercise to Quintilian.
His institution arterial explains the role and importance of translation in the
study of oratory to analysis the structure of the SLT and to experiment with
its style. While paraphrasing a text. The translation maintains closeness to
the style of the writer and experiment with various forms of artistic details.
Renaissance in Europe
owes a great deal to translation. It was translations that ensure the “wisdom
and profile of the part” to the present and future and in this task Rome played a vital roll.
As J. A Symonds says it in his Renaissance in ltaly. Roma was “a Factor like patio,
Ovid sense and Homer were translated and their translation affected the
intellectual and emotional life of Europe to a
great extent. There were many important Factored white had to the Flourishing
of translation during the period. It was a period in the history of Europe which recorded many voyages of discovery around
the world across the seas. There voyages and the discoveries of new lands
opened up new vistas in literature. The people who had a theist for knowledge
resorted to translations of the literature of the new found lands. a deed to this
was the invention of the printing preset. The volume of translation increased
significantly and quenched the increasing thirst for knowledge.
Renaissance England translation
Renaissance planted its foot in England through
translation. Speaking about the significance of translation in Elizabethan
England. F.o. Mathiessen writes that a study of Elizabethan translation is a
study of the mean by which the Renaissance came to England of the early Elizabethan
translations Wyatt and swivel are considered important for their notable
contribution. Their translation is mainly adaptation. Their faithfulness is not
to worlds or sentence structure in the SLT but to the sense and tone of the SLT
in relationship to its reader.
The Victorian translations
The Victorian translations and the pre-Raphadites were
pedantic and armchair, their focus was on conveying the remoteness in time and
place in the SLT. Fortis parpose they used a special “mock antique” languages.
J.M. cohen in English translation and translations takes a critical view of the
stand of the Victorian. And state that their theory was founded on a
fundamental error” theory was according to Cohen such pedantic and archaic
translation could only lead to its steady define in states.
Thomas Carlyle
Thomas Carlyle was a great admirer of German, he made
translation of German classic and in this attempt the used elaborate structures
in English similar to the ones found in Graman praising the profusion of
German. Translation. He stets “in spirit which deserves to be able to
participate in whatever worth or beady another nation had produced.
Well we read and find whole things and it though that
it discussion with my response to a couple of question often postal about
translation. In translation most depended glossary explanation ascetics under
ending or foot notes when we translated at that time we face more problems and
meaning are also lost.
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