Name : Jumani pooja k
Roll no : 07
Sem : 2
Part : 1
Paper No : 203: Literary criticism
Topic : New Criticism
Year : 2011-12
Submitted by
Dr dilip barad,
Department of English
Bhavnagar university.
New Criticism
v What is New Criticism?
New Criticism term of literary Criticism that is victory as the critical form in 1960s. Some of like John Crowe Ransom is responsible for that naming New Criticism in his book of the some name; he published his book in 1941.That time New Criticism became “the “way to read some literature and some poetry also and it was taught both collage and light schools.
New Criticism and literary critic had several of that interpret literature and no consensus of the best method. Some Critics evaluated literature term of writer and author’s some history there works was representative showing that how their works was representative and also differenced for that time and periods also in which they were written. And that also other works in term of the author’s life and background.
History of New Criticism
Each and every thing had history without history not possible. And New criticism developed in the 1905-30 and that peaked in the 1940-50 New Criticism the movement is named after John Crowe Ransom’s 1941 book The New Criticism and New Criticism pointed (focused) on the work of the literature and exclude the reader’s response, and the cultural contexts it also some moralities analysis.
New Criticism mostly deepened of close reading of text books that also believed meaning if text and structure. Before New Criticism became dominant American English focused their writing and teaching. And New Criticism also time and that is kind of close reading it was worked considered work of non academic.
Before Criticism (book reviewers) and work not taken serious about scholars and researcher but about New Criticism change this thing.
Ø Some important New Criticism Texts
v Ransom’s essay “Criticism, inc” and The Ontological critic.
v Tate’s essay “Miss Emily and the Bibliographer.”
v Wimsatt and Beardsley’s essays “The intentional Fallacy” and The Affective Fallacy.”
v Books’ book The well wrought lirn:Studies in The Structure of poetry.
The New Criticism approach:
The new criticism approach is mostly used of some poetry analysis and it also evaluated like diction, imagery analysis text, stanza, social structure, versa meaning and particular of the meaning.
Ø Archetypal Criticism:
Archetypal literary Criticism term of archetype denote recurrent narratives some action, some character types, theme and images that which are indefinable in a verity of the works of the literature and it also as well as dreams, myths and social rituals. And that result of element and universal patterns in the human psyche, that also effective of literary works and it response from the attentive reader, because they are shares that psychic archetypes expressed by the author’s works. And it is importance some literary theory of the archetypes were the treatment of the dream myth by that group of comparative anthropologists at Cambridge University. Even James G Frazer, whose The Golden Bough (1890-1915) and that identified some elemental patterns of the myth and ritual. That also encourage some legends and ceremonials of the diverse and far- flung religions and cultures. Another more important antecedent that was the depth psychology of Carl G. Jung (1875-1961), he who that applied by him the term of the “archetype” to what he called “primordial image”, “the psychic” of repeated some patterns of experience in thorns very ancient ancestors.
Archetypal critics find New Criticism and at also ignoring inertial element and at approaching the text as well as reading and it existed in a vacuum. After all we rescanning some story text and symbolic association at least for the other texts.
Archetypal image and story encourage the reader and (viewer film and advertisement) that also participate ritual and myth of basic idea, fears,believesand other of their age.
Laconian and other psychological and schools criticism operate within a readings emphasizes the nation of the image.
v Archetypal Criticism of works consulted
Abrams, M.S. “Archetypal Criticism”. Glossary of Literary Terms. 7th ed fort worth:Harourt Brace collage published, 1999.12-14.
Psychological and psychoanalytic Criticism. “a Glossary of Literary Terms. 7th ed. Fort worth: Harcourt Brace collage published, 1999.247-253.
Walker, Steven F.Jung and the Jungians on myth. NY:Routledge, 2002
Ø Literary Criticism:
Well literary Criticism and literary analysis that defined and informed analysis and evolution that piece of literature.
Some writer, study reading evaluation etc that also work of the literature.
The literary criticism depend of basis idea of analysis primarily idea easement value of literary works for the present quality.
Ø Literary analysis on the basis of literary theory
The literary theory of barord of consoled of strict sentence and merits for a system of studies that also study of nature of literature and it also complete methods of the analysis.
v Example of literary Criticism
Some topic and area of literary criticism
ü Literary criticism for Oedipus the king
ü Literary criticism on the metamorphosis
ü Literary criticism on Keats John
ü Literary criticism on James Joyce’s novel Dubliners
§ Archetypal literary Criticism
Archetypal literary criticism was given some impetus by Maud Bodkin’s Archetypal patterns in poetry (1934) and it flourished difference during the 1950s and 1960s. that other apart for him and that prominent practitioners of various modes of archetypal criticism were G .Wilson knight, Robert Graves, Philip wheelwright, Richard chase, Leslies fielder and Joseph Campbell. There critics a courted of mythical pattern poetry in the literature that also myth are close to the elemental archetypal than an artful useful of sophisticated the writers.
The birth death and re-birth was often of archetype of archetypes, it is ground of cycle of the season and it also organic cycle of human life nature. This is claimed of rituals of the kind had annually sacrificed in widespread myth of god who die and re-birth and in a multitude of diverse texts. Her example of the bible and Divine of comedy in the early 14th cen. And S.T. Coleridge’s Rime of ancient Marines in 1798.
Ø What is Northrop Frye’s Contribution to the archetypal criticism?
Bodkin’s Archetypal patterns in poetry, the first work on the subject of archetypal literary criticism, applies Jung’s theories about the collective unconscious, archetypes and primordial images to literature. It was not until the work of the Canadian literary critic Northrop Frye that archetypal criticism was theorized in purely literary terms. The major work of Frye’s to deal with archetypes is Anatomy of criticism but this essay The Archetypes of literature is a precursor to the book. Frye’s thesis in “The Archetypes of literature” remains largely unchanged in Anatomy of criticism. Frye’s work helped displace. New criticism as the major mode of analyzing literary texts, before giving way to structuralism and semiotics.
Frye proposed the work totality work of literary and self-contained literary universe work. He also created his all work of age by the human imagination so as to assimilate the allies and indifferent world of nature into archetypal form that serve to satisfy enduring human desires and needs. In that literary universe, four radical mythoi to that like four seasons in the cycle of the natural world in are inspirited in the four genres of comedy(spring), romance (summer),tragedy (autumn),and satire (winter).
Literary criticism who subscribe to Jung’s archetypal theory seek to identify archetypes and trace patterns in diverse literary works across eras and cultures.
New criticism approach to the critical of literature that concentrates of textual explication and rejects historical and biographical study as trrcievant to and understanding of the total formal organization of a work.
you topic is good for information about new criticism you written is good way.also some important New criticism text it is nice good work thank you..