Friday, 6 April 2012

Postcolonial studies

Name         :                 Jumani pooja k
Roll   no      :                          07                
Sem            :                      2
Part            :                      1
Paper No   :              E-C- 205: Cultural studies  
Topic          :            postcolonial studies
Year           :                2011-12                   
                                                                       Submitted by
                                                                       Dr Dilip barad
                                                                       Department of English
                                                  Bhavnagar University

Postcolonial    studies
Introduction to postcolonial studies:
The field of postcolonial studies has been going prominence since the 1970s. some world date its rise in the western academy from the publication of Edward sad’s influential critique of western constructivism. The growing currency within the academy of the term “postcolonial”(some times hyphenated)was consolidated by the appearance in 1989 of the Empire writes Back; theory and practs in postcolonial Literatures by Bill Ashcroft, Gareth Griffiths, an   Helen Tiffin. Since then the use of cognate terms “commonwealth” and third world” that were used to describe the Literature of Europe’s former colonies has become rarer.
Postcolonilism refers to a historical phase undergone by third world worries after decline of colonialism: for example, when countries in Asia, separated from the European empires and they left to rebuild themselves. Sometime other many third world writers focus on cloth colonialism and changes create in postcolonial culture.
Among the many challenges facing postcolonial writers are the attempts both to resurrect their culture and to combat the preconceptions about their culture.
Postcolonial is very general since, it is study of the interaction between European nations and the societies they are colonized in the modern period. They are deli eve of the 85%of the rest of the global by the time of the First World War, having consolidated its control over several centuries.
The list former colonies of European power are a long one. They are livider into settle and non settle countries (Indian, Jamaica, Nigeria, Senegal, sir Lanka). Countries such as South Africa and Zimbabwe which were partially settle by colonial populations complicate even this sampled division between settle and non settle.
Post-colonial adds of relating to or being the time following the establishment of independence or a colony: postcolonial economics.
The formation of the colony through various mechanisms of control and the various stages in the development of anti colonial nationalism interest many scholars in the field.
Major issues:
Despite the reservations and debates, research in postcolonial studies is growing because postcolonial critique allows for a wide- ranging investigation into power relation in various contexts. The formation of empire, the impact of colonization on postcolonial history, economy, science, and culture. The cultural productions of colonized societies, feminism and Postcolonilism agency for-marginalized people, and the state of the post colony in contemporary economic and cultural contexts are some broad topic in the field.
The following questions suggest some of the major issues in the field
How did the experience of colonization affect those who were colonize while also influencing the colonizers?
How were colonial powers able to gain control over so large a portion of the non- western world?
What traces have been left by colonial education, science and technology in postcolonial societies?
Which writers should be included in the postcolonial canon?
Has the preponderance of the postcolonial novel led to a neglect of the other genres?
Major Figures  
Some of best know names in postcolonial literature and theory are those of Chinua Achebe, Homi Bhabha, buchi Emechete, Frontz Fanon, Jamalca Kincaid, salman Rushdies. A more compreche nsive although by no means exhaustive list follows.
Post- colonialist thinkers recognize that many of the assumptions which underlie the “logic” of colonialism are still active forces today.
Above all major figures but Among the most important figures in postcolonial feminism is Gayatri Chakravorty spivak, who examines the effects of political independence upon “subaltern’s subproletarian woman studies by the dialogue between the male- dominated west and the male- dominated East, offering little hope for the subaltern woman’s voice to rise up amidst the global social institutions that oppress her.
(postcolonial theory, postcolonial studies, post-colonial theory) is a specifically postmodern intellectual discourse that consists of reactions to and analysis of, the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism Postcolonilism is dentinal in anthropology as the relations between European nations and areas they colonized and once ruled Postcolonilism comprises a set of theories founded amongst story, anthology, philosophy, linguistics, film, political science, architecture, human geography, soclogy, Marxist theory, feminidm, religious and theological studies, and literature.
Subject matters
“The find hour of colonialism has struck and millions of inhabitants of Africa, Asia and Latin America rise to mead a new life and demand their unrestricted right to self- determination.”
The critical nature of postcolonial theory entails destabilizing western ways of thinking, therefore creating space for the subaltern or marginalized groups, to speak and produce alternatives to dominant discourse. Often, the Postcolonilism is taken literary, to mean the period of time after colonialism. This however is problematic because the once-colonized world is full of”contfusions, of hybridist, and liminalities.” In other world, it is important to accept the pleural nature of the world post colonialism as it does not simply refer to the period after the colonial era.
Criticism  of focusing on national identity:  
Scholars criticize and question the recent postcolonial focus on national identity. The Moroccan scholar Bin Abd al- Ali arwes. That what is seen in contemporary Middle Eastern  studies is a pathological obsession with identity Nevertheless kumaraswamy and sadiki argue that the  problem of the lack of Middle Eastern identity formative is widespread, and that identity is an important aspect of understanding the politics of the contemporary Middle East whether the countries are Islamic regimes, republican regimes, quasi- liberal monarchies democracies, or evolving democracies ‘the Middle Eastern region suffers from the inability to recognize, integrate and reflect its ethno- cultural diversity.
Postcolonial literature 
Postcolonial literature is a body of literary writing that readers to the discourse of colonization.
Founding works on post colonialism
Edward said:      Orientalism (1978)
Aime  cesaire:    Discourse on colonialism (1950)
Frantz Fanon:     Black skin, white marks (1952)
Frantz fanon:      The wretched of the Earth (1961)
Albert Memmi:   The colonizer and the colonized (1965)
In Postcolonilism and related fields, subaltern refersa to persons social politically, and geographically outside of the hegemonic power structure.

The theme of Middlemarch

Name          :                 Jumani pooja k
Roll   no     :                          07                
Sem            :                       2
Part             :                      1
Paper No:               204: The Victorian Literature
Topic          :              The Theme of Middlemarch
Year           :                2011-12                   
                                                                       Submitted by
                                                                       Dr Dilip barad
                                                                       Department of English
                                                                      Bhavnagar University
The theme of Middlemarch
Meaning of Middlemarch:
“Middlemarch” has a double meaning. One is Nelmezzo del cammindi nostra Vita, the other is to do with the central English provincial counties in which is taken place a “march’s “marchland “in English is border between counties. The novel is an image of a society, political, agricultural,oristoaratic, plebeian, religious, scientific. Its ambitions are those of Bazac’s human much. It is a microcosm, local but also universal, containing bodies and minds, individuals, families and comedy, Rome and Europe in middle Earth.
Eliot was writing a story called “Miss Brooke”, and she began work on a story of a scientifically ambitious young doctor in a provincial town, and suddenly saw that these two were parts of the some whole. Dorothea Brooke and terries Lydgate could be called the hero and heroine f the work, though they do not meet until the end of the first part of the book and one of the powers of Eliot’s writing is that a large number of her other characters, for a time,or briefly, are the heroes of their stories and the centers of their worlds.
The Imperfection of Marriage
Most characters in Middlemarch many for have rather than obligation, yet marriage still appears negative and unromantic. Marriage and the pursuit of it are central concerns in Middlemarch, but unlike in many novel of the time, marriage is not considered the ultimate source of happiness. Two examples here explain of Eliot not here two examples are Dorothea’s marriage fails because of her youth and of her disillusions about marrying a much older man and other side Lydgate’s marriage fails because of irreconcilable personalities. Both are Lydgate and Dorothea they were not happy their marriages both nature are different and Lydgate didn’t understand her feelings. We can say that Dorothea was typical Indian women.
Other side Mr. and Mrs. Bulstrode also face a marital crisis due to his inability to tell her about the past and Fred Vincy and Mary Garth also face a great deal of hardship in making their union. As none of the marriages reach a perfect fairytale ending, Middlemarch offers a clear critique of the usual portrayal of marriage as romantic and unproblematic.
The Harshness of social Expectation. The ways in which people conduct themselves and how the community judges them are closely linked in Middlemarch when the expectations of the social community are not met; individuals often receive harsh public criticism. For example the community judges Lydislaw harshly because of his mixed pedigree Fred Vincy is almost disowned because he chooses to go against his family’s wishes and not join the clergy. It is only when Vincy goes against the wishes of the community by foregoing his education that he finds true love and happiness. Finally, Rosamond’s need for gentility and the desert to live up to social standards becomes her downfall. In contrast, Dorothea’s decision to act against the rules of society aloes her to energy as the most respectable character in the end.
Self- Determination Vs. Chance
In Middlemarch, self determination and chance are not opposing forest but, rather, a complicated balancing act when characters strictly adhere to a belief in either chance or self-determination, bad things happen- when resmond goes against the wishes of her husband and wrutes a letter asking for money from his relative, her act of self- determination puts Lydgate in an unsavory and tense situation coupled with a refuel to help. On the flip side, when Fred Vincy gambles away his money, ruling soling on chance, he falls into debt and drag with him the people who trust him only when he steps away from gambling and decides not to go into the clergy do particular. The character of fare brother demonstrates the balance between fate and self-determination. This balance is exemplified in his educated gamble in the same of whist. Through a combination of skill and chance, he is able to win more often than not. His character strikes a balance between chance and his role in determining that fate. The complexity of the tension between self-determination and chance is exemplary of the way in which the novel as a whole tends to look at events from many vantage- points with no clear right or wrong, no clear enemy or hero.
The novel examines the role of education in the lives of the characters and it also how does education affected the characters. Rosamond Vincy’s finished school education is a foil to Dorothea Brooke’s thirst for purposeful education which was generally denied women of the era. Here Rosamond initially admires Lydgate for his exotic education and his installed. A similar dynamic is present in Dorothea and Casaubon’s relationship, with Dorothea revering her new husband’s intellect and eloquence.
Despite extreme erudition, Mr. Casaubon is afraid to publish because he believes that he must write a work that is utterly above criticism.
Self- delusion
Most of the central characters of novel have habit of building castles in the air and then attempting to the live them. Because they are idealistic, self- absorbed, otherwise we can say that out of the touch with reality. They make serious mistakes the novel are very away from a real reality. It the novel most characters make mistakes because their life pataner are not soote them. For these mistake their life was become unhappy. In the novel some characters learn from this process and other do not those who learn not to build castles in the air generallt end up happy, while those who persist in ignoring pragmatism are miserable.
Compassion and Forgiveness   
Compassion Forgiveness, sympathy these are big ideas in Middlemarch part of Dorothea’s problem is that she feed too much. Both “compassion” and “sympathy,” if you look at the root works. We feel that sympathy with Dorothea.
Women and Femininity
For a female novelist, George Eliot sure didn’t think too high of female writers. She even wrote an essay called “silly novels by Lady novelists,” and chose write.
Science and scientific progress was a big deal in the 19th century….just look at all the new discoveries and inventions of the period.        


Thursday, 5 April 2012

The Themes, motif, and symbols of The Inheritance of loss

Name        :                 Jumani pooja k
Roll   no     :                          07                
Sem           :                      2
Part           :                       1
Paper No:              E-C- 202: Indian Writing In English
Topic         :              Theme, Motifs, and symbols of Inheritance of loss 
Year          :                2011-12                   
                                                                       Submitted by
                                                                       Dr Dilip barad
                                                                       Department of English
                                                                      Bhavnagar University
The Themes, motif, and symbols of
   The Inheritance of loss                       
The inheritance of Loss is the second novel by Indian author kiran Desai. It first published in 2006. It won a number of awards including the man Booker prize for the year and the national book critic circle fiction award in 2007.
Among its main theme are migration, living between two worlds and between pass and present.
The story is central two characters Biju and sai, Biju is an illegal Indian immigrant living in the United States. Sai is a living in Darjeeling Desai switehes the narration between both point of view.
The whole novel follow the journey of two characters Biju an sai and Biju an illegal immigrant in the as who is trying to make new life and other sai she is living with her grandfather in India. The novel shows the internal conflict in India its between Muslim groups, and Buddhist groups. It also shows a conflict between past and present. The novel excreted that many Indian were considered to be becoming too english and having forgotten the traditional ways of Indian life shows though the characters ways of Indian life shows though the characters of grandfather. The judge.
The novel explores the troubling influence human being on one through the language of inheritance. At times this inheritance is purely physical. The body can without the past, when Sophie discovers that her unusual face echoes unseen face of her mother’s rapist. Even we can say that the word inheritance can take the form of physical tendencies of disintegration or weakness, as when Sophie compares her grandmother’s deformable back to her mother’s mastectomy. Though inheritance spans treaty and attitudes and phial characteristics. That effect is always manifested on the body that example comes in novel’s climax, section there which centers on Sophie’s return to dame Marie to confront the psychological burdens she has inherited from Martine and Sophie feel like ashamed of her body because she feel and feel no desire and hates her fatness how become bulimic, and is only able to have sex while doubling to district herself. The novel expressed that the difficulties provoked by testing suggests the range of ways in which inheritance can happen that not matter of genes or birth but it also reaction to environment, experience and trauma over the course of her development as a human being.

Myth and parable as Mediators of pain and violence.
The novel’s characters use the symbolic language of myth and parable to mediate the horrific violence of history and of the physical world. The most immediate example is provide  by the Mascots, secret police who are widely referred to by the Creole word for ‘bogeyman’s agents of terror and irrational violence the Mascots presence and action cannot be reconciled with the rational world.
On a more local level, stories are used between characters when straightforward conversation becomes too painful. For example Sophie is very suffered of in her life. The women discuss testing in increasingly personal terms. But when she attempts to explain that testing was the worst experience of her life as a result of which she hates her body and cannot be with her husband, Grandma life retreated to her story, replaying that it Alice has passed her examination.
The inheritance of loss by kiran desai is a complex novel which weaves themes of clss,family and experience of living as an outsider into a beautiful narrative. The novel is neas the Darjling but story is very powerful even each and every characters are more straggle in their life and find the identitys and Biju is loss his real identity and tradition.
The poignancy of Biju sense of being alone in NY but realizing that he also does not really fit in at home is powerful. He disparately misses his father but also recognizes that his emigration, this fulfillment of his father’s dream for him, has created a distance between them emotionally that will likely never be bridged. That loss is palpable.
The novel may appear to be taking on big theme colonialism and legacy, love and details of life. Over and over again its characters identity or of cultural contradiction, through what that reminds characters so often of their stomachs.

The connection between language, affiliation and Belonging.
                         From Marine’s first exhortation to the newly arrived Sophie  to learn english lest she be mercilessly teased Sophie’s  english becomes a metaphor for her negotiation of the new world. Lost at first in the sea of unknown words, sophie gains a foothold by finding French words that are semantically the same but pronounced differently.
Parallelism and Doubling
The novel’s emphasis on parallelism and doubling is reflected in its continual juxtaposition of characters, situations, narrative accounts, bodies and time. The pain passed on from mothers and daughters, like that of testing, are often a matter of unconscious repetition, hurt inflicted by mothers who had been hurt themselves. Sophie’s sexual phobia and anxiety echoes Martine’s own, even as both are set against Brigitte’s untroubled sleep. Likewise, reconciliation become a matter of ran acting the past, of consciously altering its course by playing out familiar actions with a new understanding of their consequences.
Finally, the novel’s emphasis on parables informs its sense of meaningful abstraction, the suggestion that local event are incarnation of a broader truth.
Place as a Mediator of memory
The novel’s vontinual emphasis on flight movement, imprisonment and return attests to the powerful role of place and mediator of memory. For artiness, a return to Haiti represents a return to the scene of her rape, and experience so psychologically painful that she becomes physically ill. After she parallels and her psychological exile from life’s happiness and its rewords she very suffered in her life.
  The marassa
    The marassa are mythical lovers who are so close as a share the samesoul.They are first mentioned by Martine, trying to  distract Sophie as she tests her for the first time Martine is jealous and angry with Sophie’s rebellion for a man instead of acknowledging that she is her mother’s marassa. Throughout the novel, the idea of the marassa, helps symbolize narrative doubles, lovers, and parole and opposite characters.

Analysis of Major characters

Name        :                 Jumani pooja k
Roll   no     :                          07                
Sem           :                 2
Part           :                  1
Paper No:               201: The Romantic Literature
Topic         :              Analysis of major characters of Wuthering Heights
Year          :                2011-12                   
                                                                       Submitted by
                                                                       Dr Dilip bared
                                                                       Department of English
                                                                      Bhavnagar University
Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights is a novel Emily Bronte published in 1847.It was her only novel and written between December 1845 and july 1846. It remained unpublished until july 1847 and we not printed until December after the success of her sister charlotte Bronte’s novel Jane Eyre.
Analysis of Major characters
                   Wuthering Heights centers around the story of Heathcliff. His main character in the novel. The first paragraph of the novel provides a vivid physical of him, as Lockwood describes how his black eyes with draw suspiciously under his brows at Lockwood’s approach.
Nelly’s story being with his introduction into the Earnshaw family, his vengeful machination drives the entire plot, and his death ends the book. The whole story around him and he also main character in the book. The desire to understand him and his motivations has kept countless relaters engaged in the novel.
Heathcliff, however, defines being understood, and it is difficult for readings to resist seeing what they want or expect to see in him. The novel teases the reader with the possibility that Heathcliff is something other than what he seems-that his cruelty is morally an expression of his frustrated love for catering, or that his sinister behaviors serve to conceal the heart of a romantic hero.
It is significant that Heathcliff begins his life as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool
In the book Heathcliff is like hero because he has quality like hero. He reach but more ego.
Here considering this historical context, Heathcliff seems to embody the anxieties that the book’s upper class and middle class audience had about the working classes. Written are explained some good quality his charaubre and very power full character for other.
            Catherine main character also the location of Catherine’s coffin symbolize the conflict that tears apart her short life. she is not burled in the chapel with the lentos. Nor is her affine placed among the tombs of the Earnshaws. Insteal, as Nelly describes in Catherine is buried ‘’ in a corner of the kirkyard, where the wall is so low that heath and bilberry plants have climbed over it from the moor.
Isabella Linton- Cathine’s sister-in-low and Heaheliff’s wife, who was born in the same year that Catharine was-server as Catherine’s foil. In the novel the two women’s parallel position allows us to see their differences with greater clarity.Catherine represents wild nature, in both her high.
Just as Isabella Linton serves as Catherine’s foil,edgar Linton serves as heathelilf ‘ Edgar is born and raised a gentleman. He is graceful, well –mannered, and instilled with civilized virtues. These qualities cause Catherine to choose edger over Heathcliff and thus to initiate the contention between the men. Nevertheless, Edgar’s gentlemanly qualities ultimately ultimately prove useless in his ensuing rivalry with Heathcliff. Edgar is particularly humiliate by his confrontation with Heathcliff in chapter 12, in which he openly show his fear of fighting Heathcliff.
Charlotte Bronte, in her preface to the 1850 edition of withering heights, refers to Edgar as ‘’ an example of constancy and tenderness’’ and goes on to suggest that her sister Emily was using Edgar to point out that such characteristics constitute true vetoes in all human beings, and not yurt in woman, as society tended to believe.
      Ellen (Nelly) Dean   
       The second and primary narrator of the novel. Nelly has been a servant of each generation of both the Earnshaw and Linton families. She idea of a ‘culture versus nature’ divide in the novel she is a local of the area and a servant, and has experienced life at Wuthering Heights however she is also an educated woman and has lived at Thrush cross Grange. This idea is represented in her having two names, Ellen-her given name and used to show respect, and Neely used by her familiars, whether Nelly is an unbiased narrator and how for her action, as an apparent bystander, affect the other characters are two point of her character discussed by critics.

    Isabella Linton
Isabella Linton middle character in the book. Introduction as part of the Linton family, Isabella is only ever show in relation to other characters. She views Heathcliff as a romantic hero, despite Catherine’s warning her against such a view, and becomes as unwitting participant in his plot for revenge. After being married to Heathcliff and abused at Wuthering Heights, she escapes to London and given birth to Linton.
Hindley Earnshaw
Catherine’s brother who marries francs, an unknown woman to the family. And only reveals this when Mr. Earnshaw dies. He spirals into destructive behavior after her death and rains the Earnshaw family with his drinking and gambling.
Hareton Earnshaw 
The son of Hindley and fences, initiatty raised by Nelly but assed over to in effect Joseph and Heathcliff. The former works to instill a sense of pride in Earnshaw heritage, even though Hared has no right to the property associated with it the latter strives to teach him all soar of vulgarities as a way of arranging himself on Harleton’s father, Hindley. Haroten speaks with a similar accent to Joseph and works as a servant in Wuthering Heights, unaware of his true rights. His a earache regularly reminds Heathcliff of Catherine.
Name        :                 Jumani pooja k
Roll   no     :                          07                
Sem           :                 2
Part           :                  1
Paper No:               201: The Romantic Literature
Topic         :              Analysis of major characters of Wuthering Heights
Year          :                2011-12                   
                                                                       Submitted by
                                                                       Dr Dilip bared
                                                                       Department of English
                                                                      Bhavnagar University
Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights is a novel Emily Bronte published in 1847.It was her only novel and written between December 1845 and july 1846. It remained unpublished until july 1847 and we not printed until December after the success of her sister charlotte Bronte’s novel Jane Eyre.
Analysis of Major characters
                   Wuthering Heights centers around the story of Heathcliff. His main character in the novel. The first paragraph of the novel provides a vivid physical of him, as Lockwood describes how his black eyes with draw suspiciously under his brows at Lockwood’s approach.
Nelly’s story being with his introduction into the Earnshaw family, his vengeful machination drives the entire plot, and his death ends the book. The whole story around him and he also main character in the book. The desire to understand him and his motivations has kept countless relaters engaged in the novel.
Heathcliff, however, defines being understood, and it is difficult for readings to resist seeing what they want or expect to see in him. The novel teases the reader with the possibility that Heathcliff is something other than what he seems-that his cruelty is morally an expression of his frustrated love for catering, or that his sinister behaviors serve to conceal the heart of a romantic hero.
It is significant that Heathcliff begins his life as a homeless orphan on the streets of Liverpool
In the book Heathcliff is like hero because he has quality like hero. He reach but more ego.
Here considering this historical context, Heathcliff seems to embody the anxieties that the book’s upper class and middle class audience had about the working classes. Written are explained some good quality his charaubre and very power full character for other.
            Catherine main character also the location of Catherine’s coffin symbolize the conflict that tears apart her short life. she is not burled in the chapel with the lentos. Nor is her affine placed among the tombs of the Earnshaws. Insteal, as Nelly describes in Catherine is buried ‘’ in a corner of the kirkyard, where the wall is so low that heath and bilberry plants have climbed over it from the moor.
Isabella Linton- Cathine’s sister-in-low and Heaheliff’s wife, who was born in the same year that Catharine was-server as Catherine’s foil. In the novel the two women’s parallel position allows us to see their differences with greater clarity.Catherine represents wild nature, in both her high.
Just as Isabella Linton serves as Catherine’s foil,edgar Linton serves as heathelilf ‘ Edgar is born and raised a gentleman. He is graceful, well –mannered, and instilled with civilized virtues. These qualities cause Catherine to choose edger over Heathcliff and thus to initiate the contention between the men. Nevertheless, Edgar’s gentlemanly qualities ultimately ultimately prove useless in his ensuing rivalry with Heathcliff. Edgar is particularly humiliate by his confrontation with Heathcliff in chapter 12, in which he openly show his fear of fighting Heathcliff.
Charlotte Bronte, in her preface to the 1850 edition of withering heights, refers to Edgar as ‘’ an example of constancy and tenderness’’ and goes on to suggest that her sister Emily was using Edgar to point out that such characteristics constitute true vetoes in all human beings, and not yurt in woman, as society tended to believe.
      Ellen (Nelly) Dean   
       The second and primary narrator of the novel. Nelly has been a servant of each generation of both the Earnshaw and Linton families. She idea of a ‘culture versus nature’ divide in the novel she is a local of the area and a servant, and has experienced life at Wuthering Heights however she is also an educated woman and has lived at Thrush cross Grange. This idea is represented in her having two names, Ellen-her given name and used to show respect, and Neely used by her familiars, whether Nelly is an unbiased narrator and how for her action, as an apparent bystander, affect the other characters are two point of her character discussed by critics.

    Isabella Linton
Isabella Linton middle character in the book. Introduction as part of the Linton family, Isabella is only ever show in relation to other characters. She views Heathcliff as a romantic hero, despite Catherine’s warning her against such a view, and becomes as unwitting participant in his plot for revenge. After being married to Heathcliff and abused at Wuthering Heights, she escapes to London and given birth to Linton.
Hindley Earnshaw
Catherine’s brother who marries francs, an unknown woman to the family. And only reveals this when Mr. Earnshaw dies. He spirals into destructive behavior after her death and rains the Earnshaw family with his drinking and gambling.
Hareton Earnshaw 
The son of Hindley and fences, initiatty raised by Nelly but assed over to in effect Joseph and Heathcliff. The former works to instill a sense of pride in Earnshaw heritage, even though Hared has no right to the property associated with it the latter strives to teach him all soar of vulgarities as a way of arranging himself on Harleton’s father, Hindley. Haroten speaks with a similar accent to Joseph and works as a servant in Wuthering Heights, unaware of his true rights. His a earache regularly reminds Heathcliff of Catherine.